Write in to Rhode Island Senate Health and Human Services Committee members to support S2784

Please email the members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and urge them to vote S2784 requiring a conversation between prescribers and patients upon third prescription or second refill of an opioid-based painkiller out of Committee. You can click on their addresses below. A Sample email is provided as well
Senator Joshua Miller , Chair: sen-miller @rilegislature.gov

Senator Gayle l. Goldin, Vice-Chair: [email protected]

Senator Jeanine Calkin: [email protected]

Senator Elizabeth Crowley: [email protected]

Senator Thomas J. Paolino [email protected]

Senator Adam J Satchell: [email protected]

Senator James Sheehan: [email protected]

Senator Sosnowski: [email protected]

Sample Email

I urge you to vote S2784, requiring a conversation between prescriber and patient on 3rd prescription or second refill, out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Research shows that as people move into second and third prescriptions, the probabilities of becoming addicted to the medication substantially increases.

This common sense prevention measure builds on the state law adopted last year requiring a conversation between prescriber and patient before an opioid is first prescribed to discuss the potential risks of addiction as well as alternative treatment where the prescriber deems appropriate. It is essential to require it because in too many cases these discussions were not occurring and people received this highly addictive medication with no real warning or guidance.

This bill is championed by Prevent Opiate Abuse RI, a national organization working to educate patients and parents about the risks of opioid-based painkillers and the available non-opioid alternatives. Please support a floor vote for this life-saving legislation that can help curb Rhode Island’s opioid addiction epidemic.
